Try Out Online

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

10 Tips Lulus Ujian Nasional

Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan menyampaikan beberapa tips agar dapat sukses menjalankan dan meraih sukses dalam UN. Berhubung dengan semakin dekatnya para siswa kelas akhir di masing-masing jenjang akan melaksanakan satu uji kompetensi yang menentukan lulus atau tidaknya seorang siswa dari jenjang tersebut. Berikut ini adalah tipsnya :

1. Belajar Maksimal, Namun Tetap Rileks

Cara yang pertama ini adalah sebagai langkah memulai untuk memutar memori pelajaran yang telah tersimpan dalam syaraf otak. Sehingga belajar yang maksimal dan rileks menjadi pekerjaan rutin sebagian siswa yang akan menempuh ujian nasional. Bila perlu dengarkan secara rutin MP3 Hipnoterapi yang secara cuma-cuma alias gratis telah saya upload di SINI. Mungkin teman-teman butuh jutaan rupiah jika hipnoterapi,tapi ini saya bagika secara gratis.

2. Belajar Berkelompok Sebelum Menempuh Ujian

Tips ini sangat efektif jika dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh dan fokus. Karena salah satu langkah ini dapat membuat kita lebih mengetahui apa yang telah teman kita ketahui terlebih dahulu dalam bidang tertentu.

3. Membuat Referensi Pelajaran

Pelajaran yang lalu pasti ada saja yang kita lupakan. Resume atau rangkuman adalah salah satu cara untuk mengembalikan semua pelajaran yang kita agak lupa. Bahkan cara ini dapat kita lakukan dalam setiap pelajaran yang kita anggap menyulitkan kita.

4. Mempersiapkan Segala Yang Dibutuhkan Saat Ujian

Alat tulis menjadi hal utama dalam menjalankan ujian. Seperti pensil khusus, papan jalan serta penghapus. Karena tidak mungkin kita dapat sukses melaksanakan ujian tanpa alat tulis.

5. Hindari Pekerjaan Berat

Pekerjaan yang memungkinkan menggangu konsentrasi anda saat menjelang ujian sangat berpengaruh dalam konsentrasi pola pikir anda karena secara langsung otak menyerap dua tenaga yang berlawanan antara memori dan beban.

6. Melakukan Uji Wawasan Diri Sendiri

Tips yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi keampuhannya, karena dengan menguji wawasan anda dalam mata pelajaran yang akan di ujikan dalam UN, akan membuat anda semakin percaya diri ketika menghadapi soal ujian yang sebenarnya. Try Out online membantu dan bisa dicoba di link ini. 

7. Hindari Cara Melakukan Kecurangan

Banyak cara dalam menempuh kesuksesan dalam ujian. Salah satunya adalah melakukan kecurangan (Mencontek), namun hal ini akan membuat anda bingung dan membuang tenaga karena dengan mencontek pada catatan yang anda buat sebelumnya ataupun anda mencontek kepada teman anda akan butuh membuang memori kerja otak dan tenaga 3 kali lipat dari pada anda mengerjakan dengan usaha dan kemampuan anda sendiri. Jadi, hindari kegiatan contek mencontek dalam pelaksanaan ujian.

8. Berdoa Dan Memohon Agar Pikiran Anda Tenang Dan Terang

Satu hal yang biasa kita lakukan sebelum melakukan aktivitas apaun yakni berdoa. Berdoa atau memohon kepada Tuhan adalah hal yang sangat positif yang dapat menambah rasa percaya diri. So! Jangan lupa anda berdoa sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal ujian.

9. Memohon Restu Kepada Orang Tua, Keluarga, Dewan Guru dan Teman-Teman

Memohon restu kepada semua orang yang telah mendukung kita dapat membuat hati menjadi lebih tenang dan tidak akan merasa tegang ketika menghadapi para pengawas, soal ujian dan kepastian. Salah satu tips ini harus dilakukan oleh siapa saja yang akan menghadapi ujian, karena terbukti ampuh menyalakan rasa tanggung jawab akan jawaban yang telah dijawab.

10. Memperbanyak Ibadah Kepada Allah SWT

Mungkin dari sekian tips, ini adalah tips yang wajib dilakukan. Karena hanya kepada Allah SWT kita pasrah dan menyerahkan segalanya kepada-Nya. Bahkan keajaiban yang akan di munculkan oleh Allah SWT kepada siapa yang taat dan patuh serta selalu menyebut nama-Nya.

Demikianlah beberapa tips yang dapat kami sampaikan khususnya kepada para siswa yang akan melaksanakan ujian nasional tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 dan umumnya kepada kita semua. Tiada maksud untuk menggurui melainkan hanya saling menasehati. Dan kami ingatkan kembali, bahwa kesuksesan dalam suatu pekerjaan apapun tidak akan dapat diraih tanpa doa, usaha, yakin serta ikhtiyar yang maksimal.

DUIT = Doa,Usaha,Ikhtiar,Tawakkal.

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Hewan dengan jumlah kaki terbanyak

Nama kaki seribu mungkin layak disandang hewan bernama Latin, Illacme plenipes, ini. Hewan ini pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1928 memiliki kaki mencapai 750 buah.

Meski memiliki ratusan kaki, panjang makhluk ini hanya sekitar 3 centimeter. Hewan ini baru ditemukan lagi oleh entomolog dari Universitas Arizona, Amerika Serikat, Paul Marek, di dekat Silicon Valley, baru-baru ini. Marek dan koleganya kemudian mempublikasikan temuan ini dalam jurnal ZooKeys, Rabu 14 November 2012. Marek mengupas tuntas deskripsi makhluk ini, termasuk anatomi anehnya.
Umumnya, kata Marek, spesies kaki seribu hanya memiliki antara 80-100 kaki terpisah. Namun, Illacme plenipes ini benar-benar paling mendekati nama julukannya. Betinanya bisa memiliki kaki mencapai 750 buah, sementara yang jantan lebih dari 550. Bukan hanya, dia juga memiliki sutra yang bisa menutupi badannya sehingga mirip seperti pakaian.
Mareka mencari makhluk aneh ini dengan membongkar bebatuan di kawasan sekitar San Fransisco, Amerika Serikat, antara 2005 sampai 2007 lalu. Ada 17 spesimen yang dikumpulkannya.
Karena hidup jauh di bawah tanah, kaki-kakinya ada yang berevolusi memiliki cakar. Cakar ini diduga sebagai alat untuk bisa bergantung di bebatuan.
Artropoda ini juga memiliki antena yang masif jika dibandingkan dengan ukuran tubuhnya. Mulutnya juga memiliki kemampuan melubangi dan menghisap jaringan tanaman.

Source :

10 Fakta Unik Tentang Titanic

Pada Ahad, 15 April 2012, tepat satu abad tenggelamnya kapal Titanic (15 April 1912). Kini, sejumlah misteri masih menyelimuti keberadaan penyebab tenggelamnya kapal yang diklaim takkan tenggelam itu.Tapi, banyak  hal menarik yang perlu kita ketahui tentang Titanic. Yang pasti, sejak tenggelamnya kapal tersebut, ratusan ribu bahkan jutaan bunga diberikan sebagai ucapan belasungkawa atas korban Titanic.
Berikut ini, 10 fakta unik yang perlu kita ketahui dengan tenggelamnya kapal tersebut.

1. Harga-harga tiket yang dijual pada saat Kapal Titanic akan berlayar di tahun 1912 itu senilai 4.350 dolar AS (kelas utama), 1.750 dolar (untuk tiket kelas dua), dan 30 dolar AS untuk tiket kelas tiga.

2. Setelah menabrak gunung es, Titanic masih bertahan untuk mengapung selama 2 jam 40 menit.

3. Interval waktu saat salah seorang awak kapal melihat ada gunung es di depan kapal Titanic sekitar 30 detik.

4. Dengan kapal yang besar dan jumlah penumpang yang mencapai sekitar 2000 orang, maka Titanic membutuhkan 14 ribu galon air minum setiap 24 jam, dan 825 ton batubara per hari untuk pelayaran.

5. Saat pelayaran itu, Titanic membawa 900 ton barang yang ada di kargo bagasi.

6. Dari ribuan penumpang itu, terdapat 13 pasangan yang sedang merayakan honey moon (bulan madu) pernikahan mereka.

7. Sekitar 14 tahun sebelum Titanic berlayar, seorang penulis novel bernama Morgan Robertson pernah membuat novel dengan judul ‘Futility’ (Kesia-siaan) pada 1898. Dalam novelnya itu, Morgan menulis tentang sebuah kapal besar bernama ‘Titan’ menabrak gunugng es di Lautan Atlanticdi malam yang dingin pada bulan April. Entah sekadar menulis atau ahli peramal, faktanya tulisan Morgan benar. Titanic menabrak gunung es di Laut Atlantik pada 15 April 1912.

8. Dalam peristiwa tenggelamnya kapal Titanic itu, terdapat dua ekor anjing yang selamat.

9. Ibarat sebuah bangunan kekaisaran (imperium), Kapal Titanic memiliki luas dan besar bangunan yang sama luasnya dengan istana kerajaan.

10. Kucing biasanya menjadi lambang keberuntungan sebagian orang. Ia kerap dibawa kemana pun pergi, termasuk naik ke kapal untuk berlayar. Ternyata, selama pelayaran, Kapal Titanic tidak membawa seekorpun kucing ada di dalamnya. Pemilik Kapal Titanic tidak mengizinkan kucing untuk mengawasi tikus (hewan pengerat) ada di kapal tersebut. Dan anak buah kapal (ABK) Titanic mengawasi dengan ketat setiap penumpang yang naik ke kapal.

Demikian 10 fakta menarik tentang Titanic, yang saya kutip dari

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Try Out Online New

Metode Try Out secara online sengaja saya pilih dan saya buat untuk efisiensi waktu sehingga kita tidak perlu mengoreksi secara manual.. dan Try Out secara Online seperti dibawah ini saya fikir lebih ramah lingkungan karena tidak banyak menggunakan kertas bahkan tidak menggunakan kertas (Paperless)...
Silahkan teman-teman buka DISINI Untuk Memilih Soal :)

Rabu, 07 November 2012


Metode Try Out secara online sengaja saya pilih dan saya buat untuk efisiensi waktu sehingga kita tidak perlu mengoreksi secara manual.. dan Try Out secara Online seperti dibawah ini saya fikir lebih ramah lingkungan karena tidak banyak menggunakan kertas bahkan tidak menggunakan kertas (Paperless)...
Silahkan teman-teman buka Try Out Online yang sudah tersedia dibawah ini :

Try Out Ke 1 :
1. Try Out Matematika SMA IPA
2. Try Out Biologi SMA IPA
3. Try Out Bahasa Indonesia SMA IPA
4. Try Out Fisika SMA IPA
9. Try Out Ekonomi SMA IPS
10. Try Out Bahasa Indonesia SMA IPS
11. Try Out Matematika SMP 
12. Try Out Bahasa Indonesia SMP (In Progress)
13. Try Out IPA SMP
14. Try Out Bahasa Inggris SMP (In Progress)

Try Out Ke 2 :
1. Try Out Biologi SMA
2. Try Out Matematika SMA
3. Try Out Kimia SMA
4. Try Out Bahasa Inggris SMA (In Progress)


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username : siswa
password : siswa
Semoga Bermanfaat..
Untuk melihat soal  Klik 1X pada gambar yang ada disebelah kanan atas, dan untuk memperkecil gambar Klik 1X pada gambar. :)

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

7 Hari Terakhir Sebelum Internet Doomsday

Hari ini adalah tanggal 2 Juli dan merupakan 7 hari terakhir sebelum 'hari kiamat internet' terjadi. 7 hari dari sekarang, semua komputer yang terinfeksi dan terhubung dengan internet tidak dapat mengakses email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube atau segala alamat di internet.

Menurut, FBI menyatakan bahwa mereka bertanggung jawab atas penonaktifan internet pada tanggal 9 Juli mendatang. FBI menyebut hari tersebut dengan sebutan Internet Doomsday atau hari kiamat internet. Mengapa FBI ingin mematikan internet pada tanggal 9 Juli? Hal tersebut dikarenakan laporan sebuah serangan trojan yang akan menyapu bersih semua jaringan internet dunia seperti tsunami.

Trojan yang bernama DNSCharger Trojan tersebut merupakan ciptaan dari cybercriminal dari Estonia. Trojan ini akan menginfeksi semua PC berbasis Windows dan Mac serta merusakrouter yang terhubung dengan internet. Sekarang ini menurut catatan, terdapat 4 juta komputer dan router yang terhubung dengan internet.

DNSCharger Trojan juga pernah melumpuhkan kurang lebih 500 ribu PC dan Mac di tahun 2007 silam. Oleh karenanya, FBI menyarankan agar pengguna internet untuk melakukan tiga langkah antisipasi sebelum tanggal 9 Juli mendatang.

  • Memeriksa semua pengaturan di dalam komputer
  • Menggunakan atau mengaktifkan antivirus terbaik di dalam perangkat komputer
  • Memeriksa sistem dalam komputer yang terhubung dengan internet
Tiga langkah di atas memang bukan satu-satunya cara untuk menyelamatkan perangkat komputer kita dari serangan DNSCharger Trojan, namun apa salahnya apabila mencoba langkah-langkah tersebut. Lebih baik menjaga daripada mengobati, bukan?

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Jawaban CISCO CCNA Discovery

Top of Form
What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service?
Download speeds and upload speeds are equal.
Download speeds are faster than upload speeds.
Data traffic speeds are faster than voice traffic speeds.
Used when consistently uploading large amounts of graphics, video and multimedia traffic.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Which two transport layer protocols enable hosts to communicate and transfer data? (Choose two.)
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Top of Form
Which protocol is used by a client to retrieve an e-mail from a remote server using a TCP/IP connection?
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Top of Form
What is the function of the DNS server?
It maps the IP address to the MAC address.
It translates a computer or domain name to the associated IP address.
It manages the domain that clients are assigned to.
It accepts HTTP requests from clients.
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Top of Form
Which transport layer protocol is used when an application requires acknowledgment that data has been delivered?
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Top of Form
What are the two possible values for a digital bit? (Choose two.)
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Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. Host A sends a message to a group of four computers out of the ten computers on this network. Which type of message does host A send?
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Top of Form
All hosts within a domain receive the same frame that originates from one of the devices. The domain is also bounded by routers. What type of domain is this?
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Top of Form
What is the maximum number of bytes that is allowed in a standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frame?
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Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. A user on Host1 requests a web page from the web server. Which diagram is accurate for the encapsulation of the traffic that is sent from the user to the web server?
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
A home user is looking for an ISP connection that provides high speed digital transmission over regular phone lines. What ISP connection type should be used?
cell modem
cable modem
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
What is the function of CSMA/CA on a wireless Ethernet network?
to prevent collisions
to broadcast messages
to select the least congested channel
to establish an ACK between devices
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Top of Form
What layer is the first point of entry for a host into the network?
core layer
access layer
network layer
distribution layer
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Top of Form
Which three statements are true about local and network applications? (Choose three.)
A local application is loaded in a local computer and can be accessed by a remote computer on the network.
A network application is loaded in a local computer and accessed from a remote computer.
A local application is loaded in a local computer and accessed only by the local computer.
A network application is loaded in a local computer and accessed only by the local computer.
An example of a local application is e-mail.
An example of a network application is instant messaging.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
A network designer is working with a small company to determine the network type best suited to the needs of the company. Which two characteristics could the designer use to describe a peer-to-peer network to the owner of the company? (Choose two.)
central administration
easy to install
low cost
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the graphic. Assume that the exhibited output is from a host that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What is one of the first things you should check?
IP address on the host
IP address on the router
subnet mask on the host
default gateway on the host
link status LED on the front of the router
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Which part of a data packet is used by a router to determine the destination network?
source IP address
user data
destination IP address
control information
destination MAC address
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Top of Form
What network device contains a table of all locally connected networks and the interfaces used to connect to them?
access point
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Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. Host2 attempts to establish communications with Server1. What action will switch SW1 take prior to forwarding the frame?
flood the frame out all interfaces
learn the MAC address that is associated with Host2
assign a MAC address to Host2 from the MAC table
poll all interfaces to learn their assigned IP addresses
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. Assume that the command output is from a wireless DHCP client that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What can be deduced from the output?
The DHCP configuration on the router needs to be verified.
The WEP key or SSID needs to be verified.
The wireless connection is operational.
The wireless NIC driver or the NIC itself needs to be reinstalled.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. A user sets up a home network and uses a crossover cable from Switch1 to the Internet port on the ISR. However, there is no connection between the host H1 and the server. What should the user do in order to establish a connection?
Replace the cable with a console cable.
Replace the cable with a rollover cable.
Replace the failed crossover cable with a working crossover cable.
Replace the cable with a straight-through cable.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
What is the default subnet mask for the IP address
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Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. A network technician is statically assigning an IP address to a PC. The default gateway is correct. What would be a valid IP address to assign to the host?
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. What default gateway address will be assigned to PC1 if access to remote resources is needed?
A default gateway is not necessary.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Which of the following are the address ranges of the private IP addresses? (Choose three.) to to to to to to
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Top of Form
Why would a corporate web server be assigned a public IP address instead of a private IP address?
The public address can be acquired at no cost.
The public address can be routed on the Internet.
The public address provides a security advantage.
The same public address can be used on multiple servers to prevent depletion of available IP addresses.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Your school network blocks all websites related to online gaming. What type of security policy is being applied?
identification and authentication
remote access
acceptable use
incident handling
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Top of Form
What is a service pack?
an access policy
an agreement between a company and a vendor
a piece of code created to fix one specific problem
a collection of patches and updates released by a vendor
a small piece of software designed specifically for security issues
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Top of Form
Which type of attack involves flooding a server port with SYN messages?
brute force
denial of service
data manipulation
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
The help desk at a large packaging company receives a call from a user who is concerned about lost data files on the local PC. The help desk technician learns that the user clicked on an icon that appeared to be a program update, but no updates were scheduled for that program. What type of attack has likely occurred?
brute force
Trojan horse
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the graphic. What feature can be installed on the Linksys integrated router to convert private IP addresses to Internet-routable addresses?
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Top of Form
What is the purpose of creating a DMZ during network firewall implementation?
to create a server security zone accessible only to internal clients
to create a dirty zone that allows all inbound and outbound traffic
to allow for a publicly accessible zone without compromising the internal network
to specify a higher security level than normally required for the internal production network
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Top of Form
Which type of computer uses an integrated monitor and keyboard?
pocket PC
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Top of Form
Which media is used to carry electrical pulses that represent digital data?
copper cable
fiber optic cable
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Some new features are available for the OS that is currently running on a user's PC. What method should be chosen so that the user can install these new feature sets?
clean install
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
A learner wants to interact with the operating system of a computer. Which two methods can be used for this? (Choose two.)
third party software
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Select the connection that would require a straight-through cable.
a switch to a hub
a router to a switch
a switch to a switch
a router to a router
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
When terminating UTP cabling, why is it important to untwist only a small amount of each wire pair?
minimizes crosstalk
makes installation faster
ensures wires are in correct order
makes it easier to fit wires into connector
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Top of Form
What are two examples of storage peripheral devices? (Choose two.)
flash drive
external DVD
barcode reader
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
When terminating a UTP cable, why is it important to push the wires all the way into the end of the connector?
to allow the cable to endure more stretching or twisting
to ensure good electrical contact
to ensure that the wires are in correct order
to minimize crosstalk
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Top of Form
Which two IP configuration components does the computer use to identify its subnetwork? (Choose two.)
default gateway
IP address
MAC address
DNS server address
subnet mask
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Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. What is a possible reason that the PC is unable to ping the default gateway IP address?
The PC is on a different network than the default gateway.
A straight-through cable should be used to connect the switches.
A straight-through cable should be used to connect the PC to the switch.
Because the correct cable types are used for each segment, a bad cable could be the problem.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. What is the purpose of assigning a network name of College?
It enables access to the AP configuration GUI by name rather than by address.
It encrypts data between the wireless client and the AP.
It identifies the wireless LAN.
It translates an internal address or group of addresses to a public address.
It translates IP addresses into easy-to-remember domain names.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Refer to the exhibit. Why would a network administrator use the network mode that is shown?
to support hosts on different IP networks
to support hosts that use different 802.11 standards
to support both wireless and wired Ethernet hosts
to support hosts with different operating systems
to support hosts with network cards from different manufacturers
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
What procedure will help prevent users from detecting a wireless network?
Enable WEP.
Enable MAC filtering.
Disable SSID broadcasts.
Change the default administrator password on the AP.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
A user is unable to send e-mail. While troubleshooting this problem, the network technician first verifies the physical connectivity of cables. Which troubleshooting approach is being followed?
trial and error
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
A user is not able to connect to the network. A PC technician replaces the network cable that connects the PC to the switch port. The user is now able to connect to the network. Which troubleshooting technique did the technician use?
a combination of top-down and divide-and-conquer
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
In an attempt to verify connectivity, a user issues the ping command to a device that is not on the local network. The ping is unsuccessful. What can be determined from this result?
The default gateway is misconfigured.
The patch cable on the host station is faulty.
The router between the host and destination is faulty.
Further troubleshooting will be required to reach a definite conclusion.
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
What is the meaning of the term crosstalk?
interference of signals between wire pairs
loss of signal strength as distance increases
damage of the signal when two bare wires touch
strengthening of a signal by a networking device
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
What does the term "attenuation" mean in data communication?
loss of signal strength as distance increases
time for a signal to reach its destination
leakage of signals from one cable pair to another
strengthening of a signal by a networking device

How does a crossover cable connect two routers?
    It connects the pins that are used for transmitting on one router to the pins that are used for receiving on the other router.

Which statement correctly describes the function of ARP?
    ARP is used by hosts to resolve an IP address to a MAC address for the destination host.

Which installation option should be chosen when the current operating system is too damaged to work properly?
    clean install

A network engineer wants to represent confidential data in binary format. What are the two possible values that the engineer can use? (Choose two.)
Why does a router maintain an ARP table?
    to determine addressing of frames for delivery on a local network segment

What is the purpose of TCP?
    to manage data links and physical network transmissions

Which three address ranges can be used to depict private IP addresses? (Choose three.) to to to

Which two causes of networking problems are related to the physical layer? (Choose two.)
    disconnected cables
    improper operation of cooling fans


Refer to the exhibit. PC1 sends a data packet to PC4. When the router forwards the data out Fa0/1, what destination MAC address will the router place in the frame?

What are two ways that a user can interact with an operating system shell? (Choose two.)

What is a service pack?
    a collection of patches and updates released by a vendor

What component of a personal computer is responsible for the processing of all data?

What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service?
    Download speeds are faster than upload speeds.

What is the function of CSMA/CA in a WLAN?
    It assures that clients are connected to the correct WLAN.

For the second time in a week, workstations on a LAN are not able to log into the server. The technician fixed the problem the first time, but cannot remember the steps taken to solve it. What aspect of the troubleshooting process has the technician neglected?
    identifying the problem
What are two best practices that are used when configuring a small home WLAN? (Choose two.)
    the encryption of the SSID
    the use of pre-shared keys

Which portion of the packet does a router use to forward the packet to the destination?
    destination IP address

For devices that do not autosense, which connection requires a crossover cable?
    PC port to PC port

A user in a small office is unable to connect to the Internet. The user examines the physical connections to the ISR, a Linksys WRT300N, and notices a solid green LED on the port that is wired to the computer. What does the LED indicate about the current state of the port?
    The computer is plugged in but no traffic is flowing.

Refer to the graphic. Based on the information that is shown, what statement is true?
    All wireless devices that are connected to this access point must have an assigned SSID of Academy.

Refer to the exhibit. A home network is configured with the information in the graphic. A user tries to manually create a new connection to the network using the SSID Ciscoclass. However, a connection cannot be made. What could be the problem?
    The SSID is case-sensitive.

How do ISPs obtain public IP addresses?
    They obtain the addresses from the RFC.

What two pieces of information should a help desk technician document while troubleshooting connectivity issues with an end user? (Choose two.)
    if the user can ping the default gateway address
    whether the PC uses dynamic or static IP addressing

Refer to the exhibit. A network technician is statically assigning an IP address to a PC. The default gateway is correct. What would be a valid IP address to assign to the host?

Refer to the exhibit. With NAT overload configured on router R2, what is the inside global host address for packets that travel from host H1 to the Internet?

A network technician is required to provide access to the Internet for a large company. What is needed to accomplish this task?

Which type of computer has an integrated mouse?

An administrator is troubleshooting a network problem that involves the inability of users to reach Internet sites. During troubleshooting, the administrator is able to successfully ping web sites by their IP address, but pings to domain names are unsuccessful. Which service is most likely at fault?

What is the purpose of pop-up blocker software?
    It prevents the display of advertisement windows.
When would infrared be used to connect network devices?
    when synchronizing a PC with a PDA that is in line of sight
Which two protocols are responsible for encrypting data on a wireless network? (Choose two.)

Which type of attack involves flooding a server port with SYN messages?
    data manipulation

Which of the following are transport layer protocols of the TCP/IP model? (Choose two.)

A home user is looking for an ISP connection that provides high speed digital transmission over regular phone lines. What ISP connection type should be used?

Which picture shows a USB port on a PC?
What type of message is sent to a specific group of hosts?

What is an advantage of purchasing a custom-built computer?
    The cost is lower compared to a computer that has been preassembled.

Which device is often configured to act as both a DHCP client and a DHCP server?
    wireless-enabled laptop


Refer to the exhibit. Assume that the exhibited output is from a host that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What is the first thing that should be checked while using a bottom-up troubleshooting approach?
    the IP address on the router

Which two automatic addressing assignments are supported by DHCP? (Choose two.)
    subnet mask
    default gateway address

A local PC has the correct configuration that is required to access the network. A ping command that is sourced at the PC does not receive a response from a remote device. Which operating system command might be used to determine where the connection failed?

What is a weakness of WEP that is solved by WPA?
    WEP uses a fixed length key for every connection whereas WPA uses a different key length for each connection.

Which Windows PC command line utility can be used to discover the path that a packet takes to reach a destination?

What is the purpose of the ipconfig /release command?
    It forces the client to clear all the MAC address to IP address associations it has learned.

Refer to the exhibit. Which option correctly represents the encapsulation of a packet that is sent by Host1 to the web server?
When would a LAN switch use flooding to forward a frame?
    when retransmissions are required after a collision

Which type of network supports DHCP and DNS services for network users in a network domain?

What is the default subnet mask for an IP address of

Two switches are interconnected in the same wiring closet. What type of cable is typically used for this connection?
    UTP crossover

Which two statements are true about local applications? (Choose two.)
    They are stored on the local hard disk.
    They run on the computer where they are installed.

Which IP address type is intended for a specific host?

What are two examples of peripheral output devices? (Choose two.)
Bottom of Form

Refer to the exhibit. The security policy of an organization allows employees to connect to the office intranet from their homes. Which type of security policy is this?
    remote access

What two commands can be used to form a new binding if client information does not agree with the DHCP client table? (Choose two.)
    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /renew

For devices that do not autosense, which connection requires a crossover cable?
    PC port to PC port

Which adapter card would be required for a PC to exchange information with other PCs on a LAN?

Which wireless technology provides mutual two-way authentication?

What component of a personal computer is responsible for the processing of all data?

What statement describes the filtering of traffic via the use of Stateful Packet Inspection?
    It permits incoming packets that are legitimate responses to requests from internal hosts.

Which protocol in its default configuration downloads e-mail messages to the client computer and deletes them from the server?

Which protocol is used to transfer files among network devices and perform file-management functions?

What is true about a wireless access point that is equipped with an omnidirectional antenna?
    radiates the signal equally in all directions

Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true based on the information that is shown in the exhibit?
    All wireless devices that are connected to this AP must have an assigned SSID of College.

Which of the following statements best describes DNS?
    DNS servers are used to map a name to an IP address.

What is specified by the network number in an IP address?
    the network to which the host belongs

Which two causes of networking problems are related to the physical layer? (Choose two.)
    damaged cables and connectors
    overheated components

What wireless technology has the ability to communicate with many devices at the same time, makes use of the 2.4 GHz band, and is limited to low-speed, short-range communications?
The help desk at a large packaging company receives a call from a user who is concerned about lost data files on the local PC. The help desk technician learns that the user clicked on an icon that appeared to be a program update, but no updates were scheduled for that program. What type of attack has likely occurred?

What are two examples of peripheral input devices? (Choose two.)
    barcode reader
    digital camera

Refer to the exhibit. Assume that the command output is from a wireless DHCP client that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What can be deduced from the output?
    The wireless connection is operational.

What does it mean when a problem is being escalated by a helpdesk?
    The helpdesk is moving the problem to a higher level support staff.

Which three statements describe an IP address? (Choose three.)
    An IP address is known as a logical address.
    An IP address is found in the Layer 2 header during transmission.
    An IP address is unique within the same local network.

What advantage does a peer-to-peer network have over a client-server network?
    It eliminates the need for centralized administration.

A wireless DHCP client cannot connect to the Internet through a Linksys integrated router. When you type ipconfig on the host, no IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway shows. What are two of the first things you will check? (Choose two.)
    if the wireless client is configured for DHCP
    if the correct default gateway is configured on the integrated router

Refer to the exhibit. If H4 sends a message to H1 and the destination MAC address is in the MAC table for both Switch1 and Switch2, which host devices will receive the message?
    all hosts that are connected to Switch1 and Switch2

What is the purpose of pop-up blocker software?
    It prevents the display of advertisement windows.

A host wants to send information simultaneously to all the other hosts in the same network. Which domain will support this type of communication?

Which portion of the packet does a router use to forward the packet to the destination?
    destination IP address

What measurement is commonly used to describe communication speed when transferring data?

What procedure will help prevent users from detecting a wireless network?
    Disable SSID broadcasts.

How does a crossover cable connect two routers?
    It connects the pins that are used for transmitting on one router to the pins that are used for receiving on the other router.

Which Windows PC command line utility can be used to discover the path that a packet takes to reach a destination?
What destination IP address is used in a unicast packet?
    a specific host

Which two automatic addressing assignments are supported by DHCP? (Choose two.)
    subnet mask
    default gateway address

Which network design layer provides hosts with initial connectivity to the network?

Which installation option should be chosen when the current operating system is too damaged to work properly?
    clean install

What are two advantages of purchasing a custom-built computer? (Choose two.)
    user can specify higher performance components
    supports higher-end graphics and gaming applications

When would infrared be used to connect network devices?
    when synchronizing a PC with a PDA that is in line of sight

For the second time in a week, workstations on a LAN are not able to log into the server. The technician fixed the problem the first time, but cannot remember the steps taken to solve it. What aspect of the troubleshooting process has the technician neglected?
    identifying the problem

What are two characteristics of IPv4 addresses? (Choose two.)
    They consist of two parts.
    They are Layer 2 addresses and are different for every computer.

Which two statements are true about local applications? (Choose two.)
    They are stored on the local hard disk.
    They run on the computer where they are installed.

Which picture shows a USB port on a PC?
Why would a corporate web server be assigned a public IP address instead of a private IP address?
    The public address can be routed on the Internet.


Refer to the exhibit. An educational institution needs to connect PC systems that use private IP addressing to the Internet. They have multiple systems that need to access the Internet, but were only able to purchase one public IP address. What should be activated on the Linksys integrated router to achieve this goal?

What type of computer would most likely use a docking station?

What is the default subnet mask for the IP address

What are two characteristics of a MAC address? (Choose two.)
    It is displayed in HEX characters.
    It is a physical address.

Which three addresses belong to the category of private IP addresses? (Choose three.)

Refer to the exhibit. A network technician is statically assigning an IP address to a PC. The default gateway is correct. What would be a valid IP address to assign to the host?

What is an ISP?
    It is an organization that enables individuals and businesses to connect to the Internet.

Which attribute must be the same for wireless devices on one network to be able to communicate with devices on a different network?
    default gateway

Which statement accurately describes a recommended strategy for end users to employ when they interact with a help desk technician?
    Provide as much information about the problem as possible.

Refer to the exhibit. Which option correctly represents the encapsulation of a packet that is sent by Host1 to the web server?

Which Windows command is used to display the configured IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway?

Which value determines if a switch becomes the central point of reference in the spanning tree topology?
lowest bridge ID
highest revision number
lowest numeric IP address
highest numeric MAC address
Refer to the exhibit. What is the purpose of the configuration commands that are shown?
to activate port Fa0/10
to make the port a member of VLAN 30
to activate port security on port Fa0/10
to add VLAN 30 to the trunk that is connected to port Fa0/10
Refer to the exhibit. What would happen if the network administrator moved the network cable of Host A from interface Fa0/1 to Fa0/switch SW1?
Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the router is routing traffic between VLANs.
Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, because port Fa0/3 has been manually assigned to VLAN 30.
Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the switch provides dynamic VLAN assignment for the port.
Host A maintains connectivity to all members of VLAN 10, because it is connected to the same physical network.
Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, but because port Fa0/3 was unused, it is now a member of VLAN 1.

Which device or devices should have the Spanning Tree Protocol enabled to prevent host traffic from creating a broadcast storm?
Access_S2 and Access_S3
Core_S1, Access_S2, and Access_S3
Core_S1, Access_S2, Access_S3, and R1
Refer to the exhibit. The hosts connected to switch SW1 are not able to communicate with the hosts in the same VLANs connected switch SW2. What should be done to fix the problem?
Configure VLANs with different VLAN IDs on switch SW2.
Reconfigure the trunk port on switch SW2 with static trunk configuration.
Introduce a Layer 3 device or a switch with Layer 3 capability in the topology.
Apply IP addresses that are in the same subnet to the interfaces used to connect SW1 and SW2.
Refer to the exhibit. The Layer 2 switching design that is shown has been implemented in a campus environment that is using Spanning
Tree Protocol. All inter-switch links that are shown are trunks. Whenever an inter-switch link fails, the network takes nearly a minute completely converge. How can the convergence time be reduced?
Increase the capacity of the distribution and core trunk links to 10 Gb/s.
Add a trunk link that directly connects D1 and D2.
Use Layer 3 switching on the core switch.
Implement Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.
7 What will be the effect of the command S1# copy system:running-config tftp://
The IOS will be copied to the TFTP server.
The configuration file named tokyo-config will overwrite the startup configuration file on S1.
The running configuration file on S1 will be saved via TFTP to a file named tokyo-config.
The contents of NVRAM on S1 will become the startup configuration file on the tokyo switch.
Refer to the exhibit. What does the term DYNAMIC indicate in the output that is shown?
This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.
When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23, the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine
the final destination port.
Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18.
The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.9 Which two statements are correct about wireless infrastructure components? (Choose two.)
An AP converts the TCP/IP data packets from their 802.11 frame encapsulation format to the 802.3 Ethernet frame format on the
wired Ethernet network.

A wireless AP does not require any physical connection to allow wireless clients to access the Internet.
An AP is a layer 2 device, similar to a switch, that provides dedicated bandwidth to each connected wireless host.
Collisions do not occur between wireless NICs and APs.
The wireless router performs the roles of AP and router.
Which service should be disabled on a Cisco switch or router to prevent packet sniffers from capturing information about the device?
Refer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B, connected to hub HB1, attempt to transmit a frame at the same time but a collision occurs. Which
hosts will receive the collision jamming signal?
only hosts A and B
only hosts A, B, and C
only hosts A, B, C, and D
only hosts A, B, C, and E
What are three benefits of employing a hierarchical network design? (Choose three.)
Hierarchically designed networks can more easily be expanded to suit future needs.
Hierarchical design models enhance existing bandwidth through the use of link aggregation.
The hierarchical model allows for specialized functionality at each layer, simplifying device management.
Use of a hierarchical design allows replacement of redundant devices with high-capacity network equipment.
A hierarchical design uses firewalls instead of complicated port-based and distribution layer security policies.
The hierarchical model allows the use of high-performance switches at all design layers, thus allowing for a fully-meshed topology.
13 A network administrator implements inter-VLAN routing by configuring subinterfaces on a router. What is one important fact that must considered?
The physical interface must have an IP address configured.
The subinterface numbers must match the VLAN ID number.
The no shutdown command must be issued on each subinterface.
The IP address of each router subinterface must be used as the default gateway for hosts on the corresponding VLAN.
Which type of frame contains information that is used in the election of the spanning tree root bridge?
Refer to the exhibit. Each switch is shown with its MAC address. Which switch will be elected as the spanning-tree root bridge if the
switches are configured with their default priority values?
switch A
switch B
switch C
switch D
switch E
switch F
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Refer to the exhibit. What will happen when frames with a source address other than 0019.d2e4.d9f7 enters interface Fa0/24?
Fa0/24 will become error-disabled.
The incoming frames will be dropped.
The Fa0/24 port LED will be turned off.
The security violation count will be incremented.
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has just added VLAN 50 to Switch1 and Switch2. Hosts A, B, C, and D are correctly
configured with IP addresses in the subnet range for VLAN 50. Host A can communicate with host B, but cannot communicate with C or host D. What is the cause of this problem?
There is a native VLAN mismatch.
The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.
The link between Switch1 and Switch2 is up but not trunked.
VLAN 50 is not allowed on the trunk link between Switch1 and Switch2.

Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator enters the displayed commands to configure VLAN 30. What is the result of running these
VLAN 30 will be added to S1, S2, and S3, but not to S4.
VLAN 30 will be pruned from the VLAN database of S3.
VLAN 30 will be added to the VLAN database of S3 but will not be propagated to S4, S2 or S1.
VLAN 30 will not be added to the VLAN database of S3 and an error message will be displayed.
Refer to the exhibit. R1 is configured for traditional inter-VLAN routing. R1 can ping computer 3 but cannot ping computer 1. What is possible cause for this failure?
S1 port Fa0/11 is in the wrong VLAN.
R1 does not have an active routing protocol.
The IP address of computer 1 is in the wrong logical network.
Router interface Fa0/0 has the wrong trunk encapsulation type configured.
Refer to the exhibit. How does SW1 manage traffic coming from Host A?
SW1 drops the traffic because it is untagged.
SW1 leaves the traffic untagged and forwards it over the trunk.
SW1 tags the traffic with the lowest VLAN ID value and forwards it over the trunk link.
SW1 encapsulates the traffic with 802.1Q encapsulation and forwards it over the trunk link.
Refer to the exhibit. What will allow a host on VLAN 40 on switch X to communicate with a host in VLAN 40 on switch Y?
22 When implementing a router-on-a-stick, what must be configured on the router to ensure connectivity between different VLANs?
routing protocol
switched virtual circuits
dynamic trunking protocol
Refer to the exhibit. Users complain that they do not have connectivity to the web server that is connected to SW1. What should be to remedy the problem?
Allow all VLANs on the trunk link.
Configure VLAN 100 as the native VLAN for SW1.
Configure the trunk port in trunk mode on SW1.
Attach the web server to a router and configure inter-VLAN routing.
24 Which method establishes an administrative connection for configuring the Linksys WRT300N wireless access point?
Associate with the access point and then open a HyperTerminal session with the access point.
Physically connect to the access point and then reboot the computer to launch the configuration software.
From a computer in the same IP subnet as the access point, enter the default IP address of the access point in a web browser.
Modify the TCP/IP properties of the computer connected to the access point so that it exists on the same network, and then reboot
your computer to establish a connection.
Company policy requires disabling the command history buffer on network devices. An administrator enters terminal no history size
the command prompt on a Cisco Catalyst switch and receives no error messages back, but the command history buffer is still available.What is the problem?
The command contained a syntax error.
The Cisco IOS version does not support disabling the command history buffer.
The command history can only be disabled on a router, not a switch.
The size parameter reset the default buffer size but did not disable access to the buffer.
Refer to the exhibit. What does “FORWARDING” mean in the command output shown?
The switch is sending and receiving data frames.The switch is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.
The switch is participating in an election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.
The switch is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.
Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?
Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN 1. Which IP address should be assigned to this new host? /28 /28192.168.1.33 /28 /28 /28
Refer to the exhibit. All trunk links are operational and all VLANs are allowed on all trunk links. An ARP request is sent by computer Which device or devices will receive this message?
only computer 4
computer 3 and RTR-Acomputer 4 and RTR-A
computer 1, computer 2, computer 4, and RTR-A
computer 1, computer 2, computer 3, computer 4, and RTR-A
all of the computers and the router
Refer to the exhibit. The switches in the exhibit have VTP pruning enabled. What will be pruned in the VTP advertisements from switch
ST-C to switch ST-1?
VLAN 20 and VLAN 30
VLAN 1, VLAN 20, and VLAN 30
VLAN 2 through VLAN 29, and VLAN 31 through VLAN 1000
Time Remaining:
Refer to the exhibit. An administrator documented the output of a CAM table from an Ethernet switch as shown. What action will the
switch take when it receives the frame shown at the bottom of the exhibit?
discard the frame
forward the frame out port 2
forward the frame out port 3
forward the frame out all ports
forward the frame out all ports except port 3
add station 00-00-3D-1F-11-05 to port 2 in the forwarding table
What are two requirements for configuring inter-VLAN routing using the router-on-a-stick model? (Choose two.)
Each subinterface should be configured with its own IP address, subnet mask, and unique VLAN assignment.
The physical interface of the router must be connected to a trunk link on the adjacent switch.
The number of physical interfaces on the router should match the number of VLANs.
Different static VLANs should be assigned to different interfaces of the router.
The router should be configured as the VTP server.
Refer to the exhibit. The switch VTY lines have been properly configured, but PC1 is unable to remotely manage the switch. How can
this problem be resolved?
Configure the Fa0/1 interface of the switch in trunk mode.
Configure a default gateway on the switch.Configure the native VLAN on the switch.
Configure the Fa0/1 interface of the switch to allow all VLANs.
Refer to the exhibit. After entering the commands in the exhibit, the administrator receives a “password required, but none set” message
when attempting to connect to S1. What is the problem?
The enable secret password was not set.
S1 does not have login configured on the vty lines.
S1 does not have a password configured for the vty lines.The crypto key is not properly configured to generate passwords.
The VLAN1 interface has not be enabled with the no shutdown command.
Refer to the exhibit. After the listed commands are entered into router R1 and switch S1, the administrator enters the show interface
fa0/1 trunk and gets the results shown. What is the likely problem?
The trunk is established, but no VLANs have been configured to use it.
The router is missing the dynamic trunking protocol statements necessary to form a trunk.
The trunk has not been established because the router does not support dynamic trunking protocol.The router, the switch, or both must be configured with the dynamic desirable option for dynamic trunking protocol to establish trunk.
Which parameter is used to uniquely identify one wireless network from another?
Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 has been newly purchased and added to the network. What configuration should be applied to SW2 that it participates in the same VTP domain as switch SW1, receives VLAN information from SW1, and synchronizes VLAN information?
Disable VTP pruning on SW2.
Configure SW2 in VTP transparent mode.
Configure SW2 with the VTP domain password.
Configure SW2 as a VTP server with a higher revision number.
Refer to the exhibit. In what two ways will the router handle VLAN traffic that is received on the trunk? (Choose two.)
Traffic to VLAN 1 received by the router interface Fa0/0 will be dropped by the router.Because interface Fa0/0 requires an IP address, the router will not be able to route between the VLANs.
Packets that are received from network /24 will be handled by subinterface Fa0/0.20.The router will use subinterface MAC addresses to identify the VLAN traffic that is received on the physical interface.
The router will continue to process traffic from the attached VLANs even if the physical interface goes down.
In which mode is a VTP switch operating if it does not allow for the creation of local VLANs but it does accept VLAN updates from other
switches in the same domain?
Which configuration changes will increment the configuration revision number on the VTP server?
configuring trunk links on the VTP server
configuring or changing the VTP password
configuring or changing the VTP domain name
configuring or changing the VTP version number
configuring or deleting a VLAN or creating a VLAN name
Refer to the exhibit. Switches S2 and S3 are properly connected using an ethernet cable. A network administrator has configured both
switches with VTP, but S3 is unable to propagate VLANs to S2. What could be the reason for this?
The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches.
The VTP domains are different on both switches.
VTP pruning is disabled.
VTP v2 is disabled.
Refer to the exhibit. What is true of the configuration of switch S1?
Only VLAN 99 will be allowed to use the trunk links.
Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 are configured with a standard trunking protocol.
Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 should be configured as access ports to allow data from multiple VLANs to access switch S1.
The switch negotiated trunk links for interfaces Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 because all connected interfaces have been configured with the
switchport mode dynamic auto command.
What is an efficient and cost effective way to minimize the frequency and effects of broadcast storms on an Ethernet LAN?
Connect each PC directly to a router port.
Use access control lists to filter broadcasts from the network.
Divide the computers into separate VLANs on the existing switches.
Divide the computers into separate workgroups using different physical switches.
Refer to the exhibit. The configuration steps that are listed in the exhibit have been entered in switch S1 via the console. Subsequent
attempts to telnet to the switch are not successful. What is causing the problem?
The switch must be configured with SSH version 1.
The transport input command must specify Telnet access.
The RSA keys must be returned to zero before SSH will permit Telnet access.
The ip domain-name command must also be entered in line configuration mode for the vty lines.
45 Why is it important that the network administrator consider the spanning-tree network diameter when choosing the root bridge?
The network diameter limitation is 9.
BPDUs may be discarded because of expiring timers.
The cabling distance between the switches is 100 meters.
The network diameter must be set to the number of meters of the cable between the root bridge and its farthest connected switch.
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Refer to the exhibit. The commands are entered into switch SW1 as shown, and an 802.1q trunk is successfully established. How does
switch SW1 handle the untagged traffic that is destined for the trunk?
SW1 will drop all untagged traffic.
SW1 will send all untagged traffic to VLAN 1.
SW1 will send all untagged traffic to VLAN 25.
SW1 will send untagged traffic to all VLANs that are configured on the trunk.
Refer to the exhibit. All hosts are in listen mode. Host 1 and Host 4 both transmit data at the same time. How do the hosts respond the network? (Choose two.)
After the end of the jam signal, a backoff algorithm is invoked.
Hosts 1 and 4 are operating full duplex so no collision will exist.
The hub will block the port connected to Host 4 to prevent a collision.
Hosts 1 and 4 are assigned shorter backoff values to provide them priority to access the media.
If a host has data to transmit after the backoff period of that host, the host checks to determine if the line is idle before transmitting.
Refer to the exhibit. Hosts PC_A and PC_B send traffic simultaneously, and the frames from the transmitting stations collide. What last device to receive the collision?
hub HB1
switch SW1
router R1
switch SW2
router R2
switch SW4
What provides an authentication mechanism for 802.11-based wireless networks?
50 What are two benefits of the IEEE 802.11n standard over the IEEE 802.11G? (Choose two.)
requires less equipment
provides improved range
permits increased data rates

has a single-input and a single-output
needs no hardware upgrade for compatibility
Refer to the exhibit. Users A and B are reporting intermittent connectivity problems. Pre-installation surveys showed strong signal
strength from the AP locations to the client locations. Outside electrical interference has been eliminated. What will fix the problem?


Refer to the exhibit. A PC requests an IP address from the server. Which two protocols are used at the TCP/IP application layer and the internetwork layer? (Choose two.)

TCP/IP data transmission between the source and destination host is de-encapsulated in four steps:

A. The TCP header is removed.
B. Bits are decoded and the destination MAC address is recognized.
C. The IP header is removed and the contents are passed to the next layer.
D. The Ethernet header and trailer are removed.

What is the correct sequence of these steps?
A, B, C, D
A, C, B, D
B, C, D, A
B, D, C, A
C, A, B, D

What is the function of the DNS server?
It assigns IP addresses to clients.
It accepts HTTP requests from clients.
It maps a hostname to a corresponding IP address.
It manages the domain that clients are assigned to.

Which two automatic addressing assignments are supported by DHCP? (Choose two.)
local server address
subnet mask
default gateway address
physical address of the recipient
physical address of the sender

What measurement is commonly used to describe communication speed when transferring data?


Refer to the exhibit. A user on host A sends an e-mail to the user on host B. Which type of message does host A send?

As an assignment, a computer science student needs to present data in binary format. What are the two possible values that the student can use? (Choose two.)

Which term is associated with logical addressing?
IP addresses
port addresses
physical addresses
Media Access Control addresses

Which three statements describe an IP address? (Choose three.)
An IP address is known as a logical address.
An IP address uses a 30-bit addressing scheme.
An IP address is found in the Layer 2 header during transmission.
The network portion of an IP address is burned into a network interface card.
An IP address is unique within the same local network.
The network portion of an IP address will be the same for all hosts that are connected to the same local network.

Refer to the exhibit. Which option correctly represents the encapsulation of a packet that is sent by Host1 to the web server?
<<< TRUE

When are leased lines typically used?
when low bandwidth is required
for home and small business connectivity
when a dedicated digital data line is necessary
as a less expensive option to cable and DSL modem service

What are two advantages of purchasing a custom-built computer? (Choose two.)
usually a lower cost
no waiting period for assembly
user can specify higher performance components
supports higher-end graphics and gaming applications
fewer components to replace

What is an ISP?
It is a standards body that develops cabling and wiring standards for networking.
It is a protocol that establishes how computers within a local network communicate.
It is an organization that enables individuals and businesses to connect to the Internet.
It is a networking device that combines the functionality of several different networking devices in one.

Which statement accurately describes what network devices do in the distribution layer of the three layer design model?
They interconnect individual hosts.
They interconnect multiple companies.
They interconnect local network segments.
They interconnect the company network to the ISP.

Which network design layer provides hosts with initial connectivity to the network?

What statement describes the filtering of traffic via the use of Stateful Packet Inspection?
It recognizes and filters predefined URLs
It permits access that is based on the application.
It permits access based on IP or MAC addresses.
It permits incoming packets that are legitimate responses to requests from internal hosts.
It translates an internal address or group of addresses into a public address that is sent across the network.

What advantage does a peer-to-peer network have over a client-server network?
It increases security.
It increases scalability.
It produces a higher performance for hosts.
It eliminates the need for centralized administration.

After attaching four PCs to the switch ports, configuring the SSID and setting authentication properties for a small office network, a technician successfully tests the connectivity of all PCs that are connected to the switch and WLAN. A firewall is then configured on the device prior to connecting it to the Internet. What type of network device includes all of the described features?
ISR router
firewall appliance
standalone wireless access point

Which portion of the packet does a router use to forward the packet to the destination?
source IP address
user data
destination IP address
control information
destination MAC address

Refer to the graphic. Based on the information that is shown, what statement is true?
This configuration would be commonly found in an ad hoc wireless network.
Any wireless client that is attached to this access point would have the same IP address and SSID.
All wireless devices that are connected to this access point must have an assigned SSID of Academy.
In addition to accepting wireless client requests, this access point must connect to the wired network.

What is the function of a physical topology map?
records IP addressing of each host
records hostnames and applications
organizes groups of hosts by how they use the network
shows where wiring is installed and the locations of network devices

Which value represents the host portion of IP address with a subnet mask of

What is specified by the host bits in an IP address?
broadcast identity of the network
identity of the computer on the network
network that is being addressed
network to which the host belongs

What describes the external IP address that is obtained by a router through a cable or DSL modem?
a public address that is obtained from ICANN
a private address that is manually configured by the administrator
a public address that is obtained through DHCP from the ISP
a private address that converts to a public address on the internal LAN

Refer to the exhibit. Which pair of addresses would be appropriate to use for PC1 and PC2 to establish a workgroup using private addresses? and and and and

Under what circumstance would it be appropriate to use private IP addresses?
for communication between two ISPs
for a network that is directly connected to the Internet
for addresses that are used exclusively within an organization.
for a host with more than one direct connection to the Internet

Which wireless protocol is used for encryption?

Refer to the exhibit. The security policy of an organization requires users to change their password every week. Which type of security policy is this?
acceptable use
network maintenance
remote access

Which type of network attack occurs when an unauthorized person tries to persuade a user to share a network user ID and password?
brute force
denial of service
data manipulation
social engineering

A system administrator routinely monitors failed login attempts on a server. If the administrator sees an extremely high number of failed attempts by a single user who is trying multiple password combinations, what type of attack is in progress?
brute force
SYN flood

What is the purpose of spam filter software?
It detects and removes spyware.
It detects and removes viruses.
It prevents the display of advertisement windows.
It examines incoming e-mail messages to identify the unsolicited ones.

Refer to the exhibit. An educational institution needs to connect PC systems that use private IP addressing to the Internet. They have multiple systems that need to access the Internet, but were only able to purchase one public IP address. What should be activated on the Linksys integrated router to achieve this goal?

How does a crossover cable connect two routers?
It connects the pins that are used for receiving on one router to the pins that are used for receiving on the other router.
It connects the pins that are used for transmitting on one router to the pins that are used for receiving on the other router.
It disconnects the transmit pins and uses only the receive pins.
It uses the same pins for transmitting and receiving.

Which wireless technology allows only one-to-one connections and is typically used for short-range, line-of-sight communication?

Which picture shows a USB port on a PC?
<<< TRUE

Which type of computer has an integrated mouse?
pocket PC

Which adapter card would be required for a PC to exchange information with other PCs on a LAN?
video card
sound card
internal modem

What component of a personal computer is responsible for the processing of all data?
system bus
operating system

Which wireless component allows wireless clients to gain access to a wired network?
access point
wireless bridge

Which two components are configured via software in order for a PC to participate in a network environment? (Choose two.)
MAC address
IP address
subnet mask

Which Windows PC command line utility can be used to discover the path that a packet takes to reach a destination?

Refer to the exhibit. A wireless client is unable to connect to a Linksys WRT300N access point that is using network for its LAN and WLAN clients. What could cause the problem?
The IP address is incorrect.
The subnet mask is incorrect.
The default gateway is incorrect.
All addresses are correct, so the SSID must be incorrect.

What two commands can be used to form a new binding if client information does not agree with the DHCP client table? (Choose two.)
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew

Which device is often configured to act as both a DHCP client and a DHCP server?
home PC
ISP modem
wireless-enabled laptop
integrated services router

Refer to the exhibit. What is the effect of setting the security mode to WEP on the Linksys integrated router?
The WEP security mode enables the AP to inform clients of its presence.
The WEP security mode encrypts network traffic during transmission between the AP and the wireless client.
The WEP security mode generates a dynamic key each time a client establishes a connection with the AP.
The WEP security mode identifies the WLAN.

Which installation option should be chosen when the current operating system is too damaged to work properly?
clean install

Which two causes of networking problems are related to the physical layer? (Choose two.)
disconnected cables
improper operation of cooling fans
incorrect MAC address
incorrect default gateway
incorrect subnet mask

A user in a small office is unable to connect to the Internet. The user examines the physical connections to the ISR, a Linksys WRT300N, and notices a solid green LED on the port that is wired to the computer. What does the LED indicate about the current state of the port?
The ISR is making adjustments to the port.
The device is plugged in and traffic is flowing.
The computer is plugged in but no traffic is flowing.
The ISR does not detect that the computer is plugged in.

Refer to the exhibit. PC1 is unable to access the web server at Based on the provided output, what is the most likely cause of the problem?
PC1 is not plugged in to RTR1.
Port 80 is already in use on PC1.
No DNS server is configured on PC1.
PC1 is configured with an incorrect IP address and default gateway.

What does it mean when a problem is being escalated by a helpdesk?
The helpdesk is following up on a resolved problem.
The helpdesk has made the problem a lower priority.
The helpdesk has solved the problem and is closing the ticket.
The helpdesk is moving the problem to a higher level support staff.

What is the purpose of TCP?
to manage data links and physical network transmissions
to specify the format of requests and responses that are exchanged between the client and server
*to assign the logical address and encapsulate the request into packets for routing to the destination
to provide flow control and acknowledgment of packets that are exchanged between the client and server

Which adapter card would be required for a PC to exchange information with other PCs on a LAN?
video card
sound card
internal modem

Which type of computer has an integrated mouse?
pocket PC

After attaching four PCs to the switch ports, configuring the SSID and setting authentication properties for a small office network, a technician successfully tests the connectivity of all PCs that are connected to the switch and WLAN. A firewall is then configured on the device prior to connecting it to the Internet. What type of network device includes all of the described features?
ISR router
*firewall appliance
standalone wireless access point

Which installation option should be chosen when the current operating system is too damaged to work properly?
*clean install

A computer joins the network and announces itself to all hosts on the LAN. What type of message does the computer send out?

What portion of the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the Internet?
*subnet mask
host portion
network portion
default gateway address

Which layer in the hierarchical Ethernet design model ensures that traffic between local networks will be allowed?
core layer
*access layer
network layer
distribution layer

What is the name for the contract between a customer and an ISP that specifies requirements for uptime and service response time?

A network technician is required to provide access to the Internet for a large company. What is needed to accomplish this task?
private IP addresses for each host
static IP addresses for each host
DHCP server

A user is not able to connect to the network. A PC technician replaces the network cable that connects the PC to the switch port. The user is now able to connect to the network. Which troubleshooting technique did the technician use?
a combination of top-down and divide-and-conquer

What component of a personal computer is responsible for the processing of all data?
system bus
operating system

Which two transport layer protocols are used to transfer messages between hosts? (Choose two.)

Which device is often configured to act as both a DHCP client and a DHCP server?
home PC
*ISP modem
wireless-enabled laptop
integrated services router


Refer to the exhibit. Which pair of addresses would be appropriate to use for PC1 and PC2 to establish a workgroup using private addresses? and
* and and and

What are two ways that a user can interact with an operating system shell? (Choose two.)

A company has a web server that must be accessible to both external and internal clients. Which security policy best practice should be followed to maximize security of the server?
Place the web server in a DMZ.
*Keep the web server on the external network.
Configure a firewall device to serve as the web server.
Locate the web server in the server farm of the internal network.
Which wireless component allows wireless clients to gain access to a wired network?
access point
*wireless bridge

Which two statements are characteristics of DHCP services? (Choose two.)
*A DHCP client determines the lease time for using the IP address that is supplied by the DHCP server.
An integrated router acts as the DHCP server to provide the IP address to the ISP.
DHCP clients send a DHCP Discover message to the destination IP address of
*The DHCP server maps the IP addresses to host names.
The integrated router acts as a DHCP server for internal hosts on local networks.

What is the correct sequence of steps in the encapsulation of TCP/IP data as it passes from a source to a destination host?

A. converts data to bits for transmission
B. packages the data for end to end transport
C. adds the data-link header and trailer
D. adds the network IP address to the header of the packet


Refer to the exhibit. Assume that the exhibited output is from a host that is connected to a Linksys integrated router. What is the first thing that should be checked while using a bottom-up troubleshooting approach?
the default gateway on the host
the IP address on the host
the IP address on the router
*the link status LED on the front of the router
the subnet mask on the host

Which firewall resource could include the capability of recognizing and filtering DoS attacks?
URL filtering
application filtering
*Layer 4 packet filtering
stateful packet inspection

Which type of network attack occurs when an unauthorized person tries to persuade a user to share a network user ID and password?
brute force
denial of service
data manipulation
*social engineering

Which type of network supports DHCP and DNS services for network users in a network domain?
*ad hoc

What is the purpose of pop-up blocker software?
It detects and removes spyware.
It detects and removes viruses.
*It prevents the display of advertisement windows.
It removes unwanted e-mail.

What are two best practices that are used when configuring a small home WLAN? (Choose two.)
the use of EAP
the encryption of the SSID
the use of pre-shared keys
the use of open authentication
the disabling of SSID broadcasting

What is a service pack?
an access policy
an agreement between a company and a vendor
a piece of code created to fix one specific problem
*a collection of patches and updates released by a vendor
a small piece of software designed specifically for security issues

Why would a corporate web server be assigned a public IP address instead of a private IP address?
The public address can be acquired at no cost.
*The public address can be routed on the Internet.
The public address provides a security advantage.
The same public address can be used on multiple servers to prevent depletion of available IP addresses.

When would a LAN switch use flooding to forward a frame?
when the MAC address table is empty
when retransmissions are required after a collision
after all hosts on the network are added to the MAC table
when a frame is received from a port that is connected to a hub


Refer to the exhibit. The network is experiencing excessive broadcast traffic from multiple hosts. What can be done to reduce the broadcast traffic that each host receives without compromising connectivity to the corporate servers?
Separate the switches with a router.
Create a separate VLAN for the servers and hosts.
Change from Ethernet switches to FastEthernet switches.
Increase the number of switches to reduce the number of PCs that are connected to each switch.

What are two characteristics of a MAC address? (Choose two.)
*It indicates the physical location of the host within the network.
It is dynamically assigned by a DHCP server.
*It is displayed in HEX characters.
It is a physical address.
It is cable-based.

What is an advantage of purchasing a custom-built computer?
It is beneficial for less knowledgeable consumers.
The waiting period for assembly is negligible.
The cost is lower compared to a computer that has been preassembled.
*The user can specify high-performance components to meet specific needs.

What are two examples of peripheral input devices? (Choose two.)
external modem
*barcode reader
digital camera

A home user is looking for an ISP connection that provides high speed digital transmission over regular phone lines. What ISP connection type should be used?
cell modem
cable modem

Which protocol in its default configuration downloads e-mail messages to the client computer and deletes them from the server?

Which two statements are true about local applications? (Choose two.)
They run on the network.
An example of a local application is e-mail.
*They are accessed from a remote computer.
They are stored on the local hard disk.
*They run on the computer where they are installed.

What is the purpose of the ipconfig /release command?
*It forces a client to give up its current IP address.
It forces a client to give up its current MAC address.
It forces the client to clear all the MAC address to IP address associations it has learned.
It shows the current IP configuration on the client.

Which attribute must be the same for wireless devices on one network to be able to communicate with devices on a different network?
DNS server
MAC address
*default gateway
operating system
wireless equipment vendor

A user has reported a failure to connect to the network. Based on similar calls from other users in the same location, the network technician starts troubleshooting by entering the ipconfig command on the user computer. Which troubleshooting technique is the technician using?

Which statement accurately describes what network devices do in the distribution layer of the three layer design model?
They interconnect individual hosts.
They interconnect multiple companies.
They interconnect local network segments.
They interconnect the company network to the ISP.


Refer to the graphic. Based on the information that is shown, what statement is true?
This configuration would be commonly found in an ad hoc wireless network.
Any wireless client that is attached to this access point would have the same IP address and SSID.
*All wireless devices that are connected to this access point must have an assigned SSID of Academy.
In addition to accepting wireless client requests, this access point must connect to the wired network.

What wireless technology has the ability to communicate with many devices at the same time, makes use of the 2.4 GHz band, and is limited to low-speed, short-range communications?

Which of the following statements best describes DNS?
DNS servers are used to map an IP address to a physical address.
*DNS servers are used to map a name to an IP address.
DNS servers are used to configure logical address information for host computers.
DNS servers are used to translate from private addresses to public addresses.


Refer to the exhibit. An educational institution needs to connect PC systems that use private IP addressing to the Internet. They have multiple systems that need to access the Internet, but were only able to purchase one public IP address. What should be activated on the Linksys integrated router to achieve this goal?

What procedure will help prevent users from detecting a wireless network?
Enable WEP.
Enable MAC filtering.
Disable SSID broadcasts.
Change the default administrator password on the AP.
Relocate the APs closer to each other.
Increase the distance between the clients.
Change the channel on AP-B to 6 or 11.
Place AP-A and AP-B on the same wireless channel.
52 Why is MAC address filtering considered a poor choice in securing a WLAN?
Available bandwidth is reduced.
MAC addresses are easily spoofed.